Domestic locksmiths
in Lancashire

Locked out? Do you need an emergency locksmith who can open the door for you? Contact Preston Locks Ltd. We offer 24-hour emergency locksmith services to domestic and commercial customers.
Domestic and commercial locksmith Contact

About Preston Locks Ltd

Thank you for taking time to visit our website. With over 20 years experience, Preston Locks Ltd is a genuine and trustworthy locksmith service operating in Preston, Lancashire that ensures prompt, affordable, reliable and fully insured emergency locksmith services. We provide both domestic and commercial services and pride ourselves on providing complete customer satisfaction. When contacting Preston Locks Ltd, you speak to the locksmith direct - there's no call centre, which means faster response times.

Our services include:

  • Domestic locksmith
  • Commercial locksmith
  • Emergency locksmith
  • Auto locksmith
lock and key
lock and key

Qualified and insured locksmiths

We are fully trained, vetted, DBS checked and fully insured. We also carry 90% of all brands like Intolocks, Chubb, ERA and Union & Yale with us. This enables us to complete 90% of jobs during our first visit. With Preston Locks Ltd, you can be certain of a first class and professional job every time.
"Absolutely brilliant guys, my car wouldn't start due to a worn down key. Total panic ensued as today was my only day off from work, within 10 minutes I had a new key!
Thanks for a quick and reassuring service, back to being mobile again." SarahW-168
For any kind of locksmith service you need, call us on
07860 185 988
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